Contractors All Risks

If you are involved with extending, refurbishing, converting a building or a "new build," you are usually responsible for the work until the contract has been completed.

If your work, for example, burns down, before completion, you will be responsible for all of the costs of doing the work again. Additionally, you may have materials, tools, plant and site huts, all which will require cover for loss and damage.

Please note, if you are the owner of the building or are refurbishing for a customer, the building will still need to be insured by the owner.

With a history of providing comprehensive cover for the Public, Employers and Contractors All Risk insurance industry we have access to unique policies that cover all your insurance needs. We offer a broad range of cover that is cost-effective and perfectly tailored for your requirements.

Campton Insurance Brokers (UK) Limited

126 High Street
Surrey RH9 8DX
Insurance Brokers
Tel: 01883 742460
Fax: 01883 744109